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2024 NBBC All-Division Practice Tests

So, you've studied Daniel 1-6, and learned all your cross-references, Hebrew and Aramaic words, and historical background, and you're wondering if you know enough.  The next thing to do is take a practice test to evaluate what you've studied well, and what you may need a little more practice on . . . .

These tests are a different way to review your material from your typical review game or flashcards.  They are designed to simulate as much as possible the real test, to prepare you for different aspects like recall, comprehension, and the worst of them all . . . TIME LIMITS!


I wrote these practice tests on the content and context of Daniel 1-6, including the following:

  • Content of Daniel 1-6
  • Cross-references for Daniel 1-6
  • Historical background for people and places in Daniel 1-6 and the Book of Daniel
  • Original language for Daniel 1-6 (Hebrew and Aramaic words and usages)
  • Context for Daniel 1-6 (the other chapters of the Book of Daniel)

All the above categories are represented in my test questions.  There are NO memory passage questions for the 2024 NBBC Senior, Junior, or Primary memory passages.

Keep in mind that this may or may not be an accurate representation of the actual NBBC Multiple Choice Test (MCT).

NOTE: The MCT will include memory passage questions for the 2024 NBBC memory passages for each division.  I did not include memory passage questions on my test so it is division neutral, HOWEVER, the actual test will include memory passage questions.


The questions contain the content types listed above, and each test has a different number of questions.  The questions all come from the same question bank, so each time you take any of the tests, you will find repeat questions, as well as new ones.  So be sure to take my tests as many times as can!

Each test has the following number of questions:

  • Full-Length Practice Test (40 minutes) - 100 questions
  • Half-Length Practice Test (20 minutes) - 50 questions
  • Quarter-Length Practice Test (10 minutes) - 25 questions

Time Limit

I took into account the fact that Primaries will be taking these tests, so Juniors and Seniors, take your time!  In the real competition, the MCT is 150 questions in 1 hour (Primaries), 50 minutes (Juniors), and 40 minutes (Seniors).  However, I took the PRIMARY time to questions ratio and applied it to my tests.

The time limits for each test are as follows:

  • Full-Length Practice Test (100 questions) - 40 minutes
  • Half-Length Practice Test (50 questions) - 20 minutes
  • Quarter-Length Practice Test (25 questions) - 10 minutes


You can access my tests using the links below:

2024 NBBC Full-Length All-Division Practice Test

2024 NBBC Half-Length All-Division Practice Test

2024 NBBC Quarter-Length All-Division Practice Test

You can take these tests AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE.  There is NO CLOSING DATE or limit to number of times you can take them.


Share Your Score!

I have created a document where you can share your score from my practice tests.  Add your first name or your first and last names and your percentage for each test you take.  Please only add your score for your FIRST ATTEMPT.  You can take the tests as many times as you like, but only share your score on the document for your FIRST attempt.

You can take the opportunity to encourage other test takers in the comments on the scores document, but please be sure NOT to get carried away in the comment section.  Do NOT post any demeaning or rude comments, and do NOT resolve comment chains.  I will resolve comments if anyone gets carried away or posts anything mean or rude, and I will change the editing access if anyone applies ANY edits to the document EXCEPT adding their own name and score.

Thank you for your encouragement and consideration!

2024 NBBC Practice Test Scores

Last But Not Least . . .

I want to encourage you to keep persevering through this study.  It is difficult, and many times it seems like it would be easier to give up and not try your best or work as hard as you should.  But remember that like everything else in life, Bible Bee is something we do first and foremost for the glory of God, and He desires our best effort and our hardest work.

Also, studying and memorizing the Word of God pays abundant dividends throughout all the rest of your life.  Don't slack off or tell yourself it's too much or it's impossible!  All things are possible through God's inexhaustible strength and power!  Work as hard as you can with the time and resources and abilities you have, and give God all the glory all the time.

For those of you who are competitive (like me), I understand how the competition becomes a big focus and goal.  The competition is an incredible means to learn to study and memorize God's Word and to push yourself beyond your comfort zones, or what you think is possible, or what you've ever done before!  But don't ever let the competition be your primary focus and goal.  Always remember to put God first--in the competition and in your life.  He gives you the strength to keep going even when it's hard and painful (yes, WHEN).  Trust in Him with all your heart, rely on His grace, and praise Him when you succeed AND when you fail.

I hope and pray these tests are a great aid and resource in your studying, and I'm super excited to see how you do in this year's competition.  No matter what, whether in weakness or in strength, God is glorified!

I'm cheering you on!

You can find my other practice tests using the links below:

2024 NBBC Senior Practice Tests

2024 NBBC Senior Memory Passage Practice Tests

2024 NBBC Review Questions


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